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Help us get the Save Jaycee Park Initiative and the Rescind Council Stipends Initiative on the ballot.

We need to collect over 22,000 petition signatures to get our Save Jaycee Park and Rescind Council Stipends initiatives on the ballot in November. Online signatures are not permitted, but you can download and print the official petitions by clicking the initiative titles above, fill them out completely and sign them in ink. In order for your petitions to be counted you must:

  • Be a registered voter in the City of Cape Coral
  • Print the petition on plain white 8.5x11 inch paper
  • Print and sign your name the same way as it appears on your voter card
  • Include your voter registration number OR your date of birth
  • Precinct number and council district are not required, but list them if you have them. 

Once you have properly printed, filled out and signed your petitions, please mail to or drop off at:


3603 SE 18th Place

Cape Coral, FL 33904

You can also return signed petitions at the weekly Save Jaycee Park meeting at 10:30 AM every Saturday in the park.

Cape Coral Preservation PAC
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